Thursday, March 15, 2012

MAC Week 3: Classmate Response #1

Below is Hunter Mennings post on his Leadership Quest

My Week 3 Class Leadership Quest

'All Dressed Up And Some Convention Soon To Go!'

Hi. Thank you for checking in to see the steps in my Leadership Quest to speak at a national conference. My first choice is to speak at FETC, because it is the largest education convention in America and I have already been a speaker there. As an unknown speaker on the scene, the room was nearly full and these were serious educators. These people traveled a long way and were on a mission to find something new, something usable in their world. Good thing I took a survey and gleaned some incredible knowledge from my audience. Let me know if you are interested in the outcomes. The other conference I would like to submit my application for is ISTE, because is deals with the use of technology in education. My life is technology. I breathe capacitance and my veins are filled with electrons so it is my destiny to share technology so they can all be set free to see the glee of technology.

Below is my response:
Hunter Menning,
I can so see you standing in front of a crowd to speak. I could also see your audience hanging onto every word as I have over the past 11 months. I went to FETC a couple of years ago and really enjoyed myself. Always wishing to go back!! Good luck in your leadership quest!

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