Wednesday, March 7, 2012

MAC Week 2: Reading Post

Image by scottchan
I am responding to The Art of Possibility.  This is quite possibly the most intriguing book that I've read in a while.  Usually, when I am told I HAVE to read a book, I dread the task.  I'll act like my daughter and put it off until the very last minute!  I dove into this book and read the first 4 chapters like I would one of my fictional "fun" reads.  I didn't want to put it down.
First of all, just turning your attitude around to give a completely new outlook, which is invented!  Trying to think about everything being invented is a hard concept.  I liked the practice with the dots.  I never could do that problem.  I pride myself on being a rule-follower.  So I know that I impose "rules" on myself that aren't really there.  It is a hard thing to change.
The other thing that really opened my eyes were the stories that are presented in the text.  Especially in the Giving an A chapter.  I had tears in my eyes when I read the story about the Taiwanese student and his realization that he was happier with his new thought of being an A instead of number 68.  I immediately thought about what possibilities my students would have if they were given an A at the beginning of the year.  What inhibitions would they let go of and participate in the activities that we do in class.  What possibilities would a school district accomplish if students were so concerned about the expectations but instead the possibilities that could arise!
Today, I was sitting in a grade level meeting and our reading coach was discussing adding yet another reading passage that would add more rigor to our curriculum and give us a better idea of our students skills.  I thought about how my students have done so far with these passages and saw them be squashed again by another poor grade.  Another measure of how horrible they are at this reading strategy, as many of my students are struggling with their reading strategies.  I could actually see their little sad faces in my head.  It made me ache.

How can I apply this book to my classroom without going against school district policies?


  1. Wow, great question. Probably it's a bigger thing than I can comment on here, but I've had enough experiences with administrators to know that what they are interested in is positive data. In other words, Nothing succeeds like success. So if you can accomplish the goals of improved reading scores without punishing your students then there's an opportunity there. I have to say that it's sad when we forget that the objective is to create better readers by drawing them into the wonder of where reading can take them instead of punishing them because they're not living up to some made-up standard. In a previous era we use to measure (not test) a student's reading ability to come up with way to improve their reading, to target areas of weakness, to make them into better readers. It wasn't a numerical goal, but a tool to help them become better readers... See, now I've gone off on a tangent. Ack. What was the question again?

  2. I know it is difficult when we are constantly given more tasks to give our students for MORE data. We are constantly looking for MORE data. It is nice to be able to say, "I have enough data. I just need the time to help the student to improve." This book allows us to set aside the negativity of the testing. Give them two grades one from the testing and one from you. Give them the A and empower their thoughts and self confidence. Ask them to write down their reading strengths. Remember, our thoughts are invented. I challenge you to give the students the power of positive thought. You are a very creative person and rule followers can think outside of the box. I enjoyed reading your blog. As always, keep smiling!

  3. Stephanie, just this week I had a conversation with a couple of my students about what I wish their education was like. They couldn't even fathom what I meant by wanting them to get what they wanted out of their schooling. The system stifles student intrinsic motivation so much that kids can barely comprehend charting their own educational courses.

  4. I loved that bit about the student wanting to be an A student instead of number 68 and his confusion and decision to be that A student was very meaningful. I am sure that you can find a way to incorporate this into your classroom. When we have the pass/fail assignments where you get 100% (A) no matter what you do, it frees us to do fun and imaginative things. I believe you can come up with an activity where every student gets an A even if it is reading. Your students may be second graders but I bet even they can tell you what they would be able to do or be as an A student in whatever you choose.
